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We scribblers have fun together with pencils and paper for 2 hours each Thursday.

No experience is needed just an open mind, a sketch book and pencils.

There are two different components to Scribblers:

1. Scribblers Course: Learning drawing skills:

Each Thursday from 10am to 12 noon for 6 weeks a session will be run which will support participants to expand their drawing skills.

Dates for these sessions will be advertised later in the year.

2. Ongoing Scribblers:

Every Thursday from 10am to 12 noon you will find scribblers hard at work on their own drawings or artistic projects.

These scribblers choose their own drawing challenges with no formal direction. This supportive dedicated group simply love to draw. Challenges and drawings are posted by the scribblers on a closed ‘Whats App’ chat group so those who cannot attend the

session can still participate.

If you love to draw you are welcome to join us on Thursday mornings or drop in to see what we are doing. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t done the Scribbles Course. Simply bring a sketch book, some grey lead pencils and scribble with us.

Elizabeth Lee Elephant grids and negative spaces.jpg

© 2015 - GVU3A - P.O. Box 14 Shepparton, 3632 President - Tel:  0418 580 697

Secretary - Tel: 0409 703 868

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