Membership Information
About GVU3A
Learning for Pleasure in Retirement with no separate enrolment fees for individual classes.
GVU3A is located in Shepparton Victoria and is a provider of community education and social involvement for older learners.
Click here to open a copy of the History of GVU3A 2008 - 2018 book
Goulburn Valley U3A began in 1988. While many activities take place at our
Centre in Esson Street Shepparton, other activities involve travelling out and
about. Courses are held each day of the week. Membership is open to anyone
over 50 years of age.
How do we Operate?
GVU3A members organise their own activities by drawing on the skills of one another.
Like minded members from all walks of life are encouraged to form groups and share
their knowledge with fellow members, all on a voluntary basis.
The Origins of U3A
The University of the Third Age is the age of active retirement following the first two ages of youth and work/home making. It was established in France in 1972 and now has members throughout Europe, Great Britain, Asia, North/South America and New Zealand. In 1984, the first U3As were formed in Melbourne on the British model. They spread throughout Victoria and by 1989, to every state and territory. Now over 60,000 people enjoy the educational , social, physical and creative activities offered.
Click on the image below to view a U3A information video.
Courses (2025)
500 Card Game Course,
"Around the World" Foodies Group,
Art Group,
Basking in Literature,
Bird Watching,
Book Club 1,
Book Club 2,
Book Club 3,
Communicating with Technology,
Creative Craft,
Cryptic Crosswords,
Current Affairs
Dance and Learn,
Earth Sciences,
Guitar for Beginners,
Health and Wellness,
Historical Studies,
Life's Curiosity,
Line Dancing,
Lunch Group,
Mah Jong,
Music - Beginners' Music Theory,
Music - Theory Grade 1,
Play Reading,
Scribblers (Drawing For Beginners),
Singing4Pleasure 2025,
Socrates Café,
Strength and Balance,
Tai Chi for Beginners,
Tai Chi,
Uke3A - 2025
Walk and Talk,
There are no separate enrolment fees for individual classes, and members, having paid their annual membership subscription, currently $70 for 2025. Members can join as many classes as they wish. A few groups charge a small fee to defray the costs of travel, etc.
Application for Membership
Click the button to open and print an Application for Membership.
Complete the form and select your Membership payment option (lower section of form).