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Facebook Resources

Click on the underlined links to visit Facebook related resources

Learning Facebook  Online Learning

A program of the Goodwill Community Foundation® and Goodwill Industries of Eastern NC, Inc.®  (GIENC®). 

Victorian Tech Savvy Seniors Project

The Victorian Tech Savvy Seniors Project has a number of useful videos on assisting with many aspects of Digital learning.

Go Digi

Victorian Tech Savvy Seniors Project

A four year national digital literacy program of InfoXchange in partnership with Australia Post, Go Digi is designed to help people across Australia realise their online potential.    U3A groups can use resources from the three GoDigi program areas - LearnerMentor and Partner.

An interesting U.K. Website dealing, in depth, with staying safe while using the internet

YouTube videos

There are a number of very useful videos (although a couple of years out of date) available on YouTube.

Here are a couple of the better, more detailed ones:

© 2015 - GVU3A - P.O. Box 14 Shepparton, 3632 President - Tel:  0418 580 697

Secretary - Tel: 0409 703 868

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