Keep Your Brain Active
Live, Laugh and Learn
GVU3A is located in Shepparton Victoria and is a provider of adult community education for older learners.
Join GVU3A and Keep Mentally Alert in Retirement
We provide mental and physical activities, as well as social involvement, for older people
If you are retired or semi-retired and wish to remain mentally alert and active, then the Goulburn Valley University of the Third Age might be for you.
GVU3A, based in Shepparton, provides social, physical and intellectual programs for people over 55. There are no qualifications to join – you just have to have the desire to become involved.

There are 42 groups or classes to choose from. These include board games such as Mah Jong or Scrabble, card games such as Bolivia or Bridge, Book clubs, Walking groups and Exercise classes. They include Craft and Art classes, Discussion groups and more thought-provoking Writing, Foreign Language, local History, Literature and Science classes. You can learn Meditation or Tai Chi, or listen to talks on the latest issues in Natural Resources. You might simply like to join the weekly Lunch Club.
We have more than 270 members, who come from around Shepparton and nearby towns.
Don’t be put off by the term ‘University’. The word is used in the original sense of an association or community of people who follow their interests. The ‘third age’ is simply that of active retirement where a wide range of activities are pursued to enhance the self-esteem and well-being of older persons. We don’t have exams.
We are a group of volunteers so any member with knowledge about a topic of interest to our members can become a Course Leader. In this way we draw on the varied life experience of our membership. You can join as many courses as you like.
Our groups are also social gatherings. Group meetings may begin or end with coffee. Many have lunches together once a term. The annual week long bus trip can go as far as Adelaide or the Blue Mountains.
Medical advice for ageing gracefully is to learn something new, keep active and stay connected. So join U3A.